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Owner of Konfident Diva

During the pandemic, I was home alone with my thoughts - reevaluating life goals - and realized I was blessed with an awesome career - but I was not doing anything that I was passionate about. Then the question became "what am I passionate about?"


One thing for sure is that I love to wear Hair - makeup and fabulous clothes! So I went online and just stayed in Google, and kept going and kept searching and took notes and asked myself questions - Until I decided I wanted to launch my own makeup brand, representing my style personality. That is literally how my idea started in May of 2020.


If you'd like to learn more please watch the full video below!

Whatchu' Doin’ Wilmington - NC podcast, interview! 

Check out the Watchu' Doin' Wilmington, NC podcast, featuring entrepreneur, our very own Kera "Shug" Fears owner of Konfident Diva!  

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